This shows the topology of the components in the new andrea‑1 cluster. The diagram was created with PlantUML.
Author: erwin
Flat Earth Star Constellations and Parallax
by erwin • • 0 Comments
I. If the stars are close by then two people, A and B, would see a 50% distortion of constellations. II. If the stars are far away then the distortion of the constellation would decrease III. Literally all people around the hemisphere see the exact same star constellations IV. Hence, the stars are too far away for…
Monitoring WordPress with Prometheus in a Kubernetes Cluster
by erwin • • 0 Comments
Introduction This article will describe how to monitor a WordPress installation with Prometheus. The setup requires a working Kubernetes cluster with the Prometheus Operator installed. This article will describe basic three use cases. Use Cases WordPress Metrics We want to see basic metrics about out site, like how many posts are published, how many comments there are…
Flat Earth: The Riddle of the Pan Am Flight 50
by erwin • • 0 Comments
The Pan Am Flight 50 flew around the globe and made the following stops: North Pole Greenland London Cape Town South Pole Auckland Plotting the flight on a FE map shows a huge problem. The flight went from the South Pole, to Auckland and then to San Francisco. Why would an airplane from the 1970s fly from…
Miscellaneous Bash Aliases & Configuration
by erwin • • 0 Comments
Use an alias to open Emacs inside the console. We will use the Emacs-Client to connect to a Emacs server for faster startup. References:— emacsclient.html#Invoking— emacsclient [shell] alias em=’emacsclient ‑nw’ [/shell] Remove not needed Docker containers. For example: docker_rm_search Exited [shell] function docker_rm_search() { p=“$1” docker rm ‑f $(docker ps ‑a | grep “$p” | awk “{print \$1}”)…
Jenkins on Kuberntes — Part 1
by erwin • • 0 Comments
Part 1 — Configure System Part 1 will describe how to configure the Jenkins system to add the SonarQube, Keycloak and Gitea servers, and to configure the Kubernetes cloud where our builds are going to run. SonarQube servers We add our SonarQube server, so that withSonarQubeEnv can inject the server URL and the authentication token to our build. The…
Jenkins on Kubernetes — Part 2
by erwin • • 0 Comments
Part 2 — Config File Management This is part 2 of a continued series on how to configure Jenkins on a Kubernetes cluster. The goal of the series is to have a fully functioning continues integration and delivery Jenkins up and running. Part 1 described how to install Jenkins and the necessary plugins and how to configure them for Kubernetes. This part…
Nick Dolgy Free Speech and The Left
by erwin • • 0 Comments
This is my discussion with Nick Dolgy about laws against hate speech. You can read my comment here: My comment on Youtube That is an utter straw man of what the left wants. Especially because it was always the left who called for equal rights for gays and protecting them against discrimination, and the religious right…
Git Aliases and Shortcuts
by erwin • • 0 Comments
This is a list of common git aliases and shortcuts. In my opinion, cryptic aliases like “gp” for git-push or “gc” for git-checkout are very hard to remember. Therefore, I will write longer aliases that are more easily to remember. Since bash or zsh have auto-completion, you can just write “gitco” and then press and let the…
Setup and Configure Zsh, Bash-Completion, Autojump
by erwin • • 1 Comment
Introduction Zsh is an interactive shell that is mostly compatible with Bash; Bash-Completion enhances the shell with automatic and programmable commands and arguments completions. It works also on Windows and Mac OS X systems because it depends only on the Bash shell; Autojump stores the last visited directories and allows for fast navigation in the file system. It…