Erwin Müller

Author: erwin

Mon­i­tor­ing Word­Press with Prometheus in a Ku­ber­netes Cluster

In­tro­duc­tion This ar­ti­cle will de­scribe how to mon­i­tor a Word­Press in­stal­la­tion with Prometheus. The set­up re­quires a work­ing Ku­ber­netes clus­ter with the Prometheus Op­er­a­tor in­stalled. This ar­ti­cle will de­scribe ba­sic three use cas­es. Use Cas­es Word­Press Met­rics We want to see ba­sic met­rics about out site, like how many posts are pub­lished, how many com­ments there are…

Mis­cel­la­neous Bash Alias­es & Configuration

Use an alias to open Emacs in­side the con­sole. We will use the Emacs-Client to con­nect to a Emacs serv­er for faster start­up. Ref­er­ences: https://​www​.gnu​.org/​s​o​f​t​w​a​r​e​/​e​m​a​c​s​/​m​a​n​u​a​l​/​h​t​m​l​_​n​o​d​e​/​e​m​a​c​s​/​I​n​v​o​k​i​n​g​— e​m​a​c​s​c​l​i​e​n​t​.​h​t​m​l​#​I​n​v​o​k​i​n​g​— e​m​a​c​s​c​l​i​ent [shell] alias em=’emacsclient ‑nw’ [/shell] Re­move not need­ed Dock­er con­tain­ers. For ex­am­ple: docker_rm_search Ex­it­ed [shell] func­tion docker_rm_search() { p=“$1” dock­er rm ‑f $(dock­er ps ‑a | grep “$p” | awk “{print \$1}”)…

Jenk­ins on Ku­berntes — Part 1

Jenkins Configure System

Part 1 — Con­fig­ure Sys­tem Part 1 will de­scribe how to con­fig­ure the Jenk­ins sys­tem to add the Sonar­Qube, Key­cloak and Gitea servers, and to con­fig­ure the Ku­ber­netes cloud where our builds are go­ing to run. Sonar­Qube servers We add our Sonar­Qube serv­er, so that with­Sonar­QubeEnv can in­ject the serv­er URL and the au­then­ti­ca­tion to­ken to our build. The…

Jenk­ins on Ku­ber­netes — Part 2

Part 2 — Con­fig File Man­age­ment This is part 2 of a con­tin­ued se­ries on how to con­fig­ure Jenk­ins on a Ku­ber­netes clus­ter. The goal of the se­ries is to have a ful­ly func­tion­ing con­tin­ues in­te­gra­tion and de­liv­ery Jenk­ins up and run­ning. Part 1 de­scribed how to in­stall Jenk­ins and the nec­es­sary plu­g­ins and how to con­fig­ure them for Ku­ber­netes. This part…

Nick Dol­gy Free Speech and The Left

"Enough is enough – Open your mouth!", Demonstration against homophobia in Russia, by Marco Fieber. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

This is my dis­cus­sion with Nick Dol­gy about laws against hate speech. You can read my com­ment here: My com­ment on Youtube That is an ut­ter straw man of what the left wants. Es­pe­cial­ly be­cause it was al­ways the left who called for equal rights for gays and pro­tect­ing them against dis­crim­i­na­tion, and the re­li­gious right…

Git Alias­es and Shortcuts

This is a list of com­mon git alias­es and short­cuts. In my opin­ion, cryp­tic alias­es like “gp” for git-push or “gc” for git-check­­out are very hard to re­mem­ber. There­fore, I will write longer alias­es that are more eas­i­ly to re­mem­ber. Since bash or zsh have au­­to-com­­ple­­tion, you can just write “git­co” and then press and let the…

Set­up and Con­fig­ure Zsh, Bash-Com­ple­tion, Autojump

In­tro­duc­tion Zsh is an in­ter­ac­tive shell that is most­ly com­pat­i­ble with Bash; Bash-Com­­ple­­tion en­hances the shell with au­to­mat­ic and pro­gram­ma­ble com­mands and ar­gu­ments com­ple­tions. It works al­so on Win­dows and Mac OS X sys­tems be­cause it de­pends on­ly on the Bash shell; Au­to­jump stores the last vis­it­ed di­rec­to­ries and al­lows for fast nav­i­ga­tion in the file sys­tem. It…