Erwin Müller

Mon­i­tor­ing Word­Press with Prometheus in a Ku­ber­netes Cluster


Grafana Dash­board for Word­Press Metrics

This ar­ti­cle will de­scribe how to mon­i­tor a Word­Press in­stal­la­tion with Prometheus. The set­up re­quires a work­ing Ku­ber­netes clus­ter with the Prometheus Op­er­a­tor in­stalled. This ar­ti­cle will de­scribe ba­sic three use cases.

Use Cas­es

Prometheus met­ric use cases

Word­Press Metrics

We want to see ba­sic met­rics about out site, like how many posts are pub­lished, how many com­ments there are on our site and how many users are registered.

Site La­ten­cy

We want to see the site la­ten­cy in mil­lisec­onds to our site.

Down Alert­ing

We want to be in­formed if our site goes of­fline for what­ev­er reasons.

Met­rics Projects

Sur­pris­ing­ly, there are not many Prometheus mon­i­tor­ing plu­g­ins for Word­Press. A search in Google shows just four re­sults. Here is a list of projects that we will use for our use case.


This project pro­vides Word­Press met­rics for Prometheus by read­ing di­rect­ly the MySQL data­base and is writ­ten in Go. This project is in­ter­est­ing be­cause we can learn some ba­sic Go and we will use it to cre­ate a Dock­er con­tain­er that we run along­side Word­Press in our clus­ter to pro­vide met­rics to Prometheus.


This is a very sim­ple Word­Press plu­g­in that can pro­vide met­rics to Prometheus. We will al­so use this plu­g­in be­cause then we can have the la­ten­cy of our Word­Press site in ad­di­tion to the usu­al Word­Press met­rics. But more on that later.

Here are some projects that are not use­ful for our use case, but are men­tioned for completeness.


The au­thor writes that it sup­pose to be a Word­Press Prometheus client, but the last com­mit is still just “ini­tial file struc­ture” one year ego. My guess is that this project is not de­vel­oped anymore.


This is a Word­Press plu­g­in that pro­vides met­rics specif­i­cal­ly for Woocom­merce. This is not what we want here of course.




The “wordpress_exporter” project will pro­vide ba­sic Word­Press met­rics by read­ing the MySQL data­base and it will cov­er our first use case. It can not give us the site la­ten­cy since the “wordpress_exporter” runs as a sep­a­rate con­tain­er and for the same rea­son it can not give us the down alert­ing. As the first step I have forged the orig­i­nal project on Github and cre­at­ed a Dock­er­file for it. We set­up Dock­er Hub to cre­ate au­to­mat­ic builds for it. For that I have fol­lowed the guide pro­vid­ed: Build­ing Dock­er Con­tain­ers for Go Ap­pli­ca­tions.

The re­sult is a Dock­er im­age that will run a con­tain­er for the Go “wordpress_exporter”. It will pro­vide a met­ric at the URL http://wordpress-exporter:8888/metrics.

Now we can de­ploy the “wordpress_exporter” on our Ku­ber­netes cluster.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress-exporter
  namespace: www-muellerpublic-de
    app: wordpress-exporter
    tier: metrics
  - name: "metrics"
    port: 8888
    targetPort: 8888
    app: wordpress-exporter


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: wordpress-exporter
  namespace: www-muellerpublic-de
    app: wordpress-exporter
    tier: metrics
  replicas: 1
      app: wordpress-exporter
      tier: metrics
        app: wordpress-exporter
        tier: metrics
      - image: erwin82/wordpress_exporter:latest
        name: wordpress-exporter
        - name: WORDPRESS_DB_NAME
          value: "wordpressdb"
        - name: WORDPRESS_DB_USER
          value: "wordpress"
          value: "wordpress1234"
        - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST
          value: "db"
        - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PORT
          value: "3306"
        - containerPort: 8888
          name: "metrics"
      restartPolicy: Always


We will cre­ate a new Promethus Ser­vice­Mon­i­tor for the Prometheus operator.

[python title=“sm.yaml”]
apiVer­sion: mon​i​tor​ing​.core​os​.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
name: wordpress-exporter
name­space: www-muellerpublic-de
app: wordpress-exporter
 — port: metrics


Since the Promethus serv­er runs in the name­space “mon­i­tor­ing” we need to cre­ate RoleBind­ing and a Role to al­low the serv­er ac­cess to the name­space where our Word­Press de­ploy­ment is.

[python title=“role.yaml”]

apiVer­sion: rbac​.au​tho​riza​tion​.k8s​.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
name: prometheus-k8s
name­space: www-muellerpublic-de
api­Group: rbac​.au​tho​riza​tion​.k8s​.io
kind: Role
name: prometheus-k8s
 — kind: ServiceAccount
name: prometheus-k8s
name­space: monitoring

apiVer­sion: rbac​.au​tho​riza​tion​.k8s​.io/v1
kind: Role
name: prometheus-k8s
name­space: www-muellerpublic-de
 — apiGroups:
 — “”
 — services
 — endpoints
 — pods
 — get
 — list
 — watch


If every­thing was cor­rect­ly de­ployed then we should now see a new tar­get in our Prometheus server.


The “wordpress_exporter” ex­ports the fol­low­ing metrics:





The project is a Word­Press plu­g­in that pro­vides met­rics un­der the end­point http://wordpress/wp-json/metrics and we will use the Prometheus Ad­di­tion­al Scrape Con­fig­u­ra­tion to add the end­point to our Prometheus server.The in­stal­la­tion is very sim­ple. Just down­load the zip archive some­where and use Word­Press to in­stall the archive as a new plu­g­in. The plu­g­in will use the Word­Press API to pro­vide ba­sic Word­Press met­rics like num­ber of posts, com­ments and users. What im­por­tant for us is that the plu­g­ins runs in­side Word­Press so we can use it to re­turn the site la­ten­cy time and cre­ate an alert if the site be­comes unreachable.

Af­ter the in­stal­la­tion of the Word­Press plu­g­in we add the ad­di­tion­al scrape con­fig­u­ra­tion. For that we cre­ate the file “prometheus-additional.yaml” with the fol­low­ing content.

[python title=“prometheus-additional.yaml”]
 — job_name: “www-mueller­pub­lic-de”
 — tar­gets: [“www​.mueller​pub​lic​.de”, “www​.mueller​-pub​lic​.de”]
scrape_interval: “30s”
metrics_path: “/wp-json/­met­rics”
scheme: “https”


Now we cre­ate a Ku­ber­netes se­cret from this file.

kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml --dry-run -oyaml > additional-scrape-configs.yaml

We de­ploy it in­to the “mon­i­tor­ing” namespace.

kubectl -n monitoring apply -f additional-scrape-configs.yaml

We ed­it the Prometheus cus­tom re­source de­f­i­n­i­tion to ref­er­ence our se­cret and add the fol­low­ing snippet.

kubectl -n monitoring edit prometheus k8s

[python title=“prometheus”]
key: prometheus-additional.yaml
name: additional-scrape-configs


We should now have an ad­di­tion­al scrape tar­get in our Prometheus server.


The plu­g­in ex­ports sim­i­lar met­rics as the “wordpress_exporter” container.


Af­ter we have con­fig­ures our scrape tar­gets we can now set­up a nice Grafana dash­board to see the met­rics and to be in­formed if our Word­Press site be­comes un­reach­able for some rea­son. I have pre­pared a Grafana dash­board for that. It re­quires Grafana 6 and a Prometheus serv­er as the da­ta source.

[text title=“WordPress ex­porter dashboard-1558274559998.json”]
“__inputs”: [
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“ver­sion”: “5.0.0”
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“ver­sion”: “5.0.0”
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“tar­gets”: [
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“in­ter­val”: “”,
“in­ter­val­Fac­tor”: 10,
“leg­end­For­mat”: “$name­space”,
“re­fId”: “A”
“thresh­olds”: [],
“time­From”: null,
“timeRe­gions”: [],
“timeShift”: null,
“ti­tle”: “Word­Press num­ber of reg­is­tered users”,
“tooltip”: {
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“tar­gets”: [
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“for­mat”: “time_series”,
“in­ter­val”: “”,
“in­ter­val­Fac­tor”: 10,
“leg­end­For­mat”: “$name­space”,
“re­fId”: “A”
“thresh­olds”: [],
“time­From”: null,
“timeRe­gions”: [],
“timeShift”: null,
“ti­tle”: “Num­ber of Word­Press posts”,
“tooltip”: {
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“sort”: 0,
“value_type”: “in­di­vid­ual”
“type”: “graph”,
“xax­is”: {
“buck­ets”: null,
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“align­Lev­el”: null
“re­fresh”: “5m”,
“schemaVer­sion”: 18,
“style”: “dark”,
“tags”: [],
“tem­plat­ing”: {
“list”: [
“al­l­Val­ue”: null,
“cur­rent”: {},
“data­source”: “${DS_PROMETHEUS}”,
“de­f­i­n­i­tion”: “label_values(wp_users_total, job)”,
“hide”: 0,
“in­cludeAll”: false,
“la­bel”: “Name­space”,
“mul­ti”: false,
“name”: “name­space”,
“op­tions”: [],
“query”: “label_values(wp_users_total, job)”,
“re­fresh”: 1,
“regex”: “”,
“skipUrl­Sync”: false,
“sort”: 0,
“tag­Val­ues­Query”: “”,
“tags”: [],
“tags­Query”: “”,
“type”: “query”,
“use­Tags”: false
“time”: {
“from”: “now-24h”,
“to”: “now”
“timepick­er”: {
“refresh_intervals”: [
“time_options”: [
“time­zone”: “”,
“ti­tle”: “Word­Press ex­porter dashboard”,
“uid”: “qtFzy1dik”,
“ver­sion”: 12


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