Erwin Müller

Month: August 2018

Set­up and Con­fig­ure Zsh, Bash-Com­ple­tion, Autojump

In­tro­duc­tion Zsh is an in­ter­ac­tive shell that is most­ly com­pat­i­ble with Bash; Bash-Com­­ple­­tion en­hances the shell with au­to­mat­ic and pro­gram­ma­ble com­mands and ar­gu­ments com­ple­tions. It works al­so on Win­dows and Mac OS X sys­tems be­cause it de­pends on­ly on the Bash shell; Au­to­jump stores the last vis­it­ed di­rec­to­ries and al­lows for fast nav­i­ga­tion in the file sys­tem. It…

Dis­cus­sion about Jor­dan Peterson with a Per­son that have no His­toric Knowledge

That is a dis­cus­sion that start­ed on the Youtube video from Vee­du Vidz­called Jor­dan Peterson — Don’t be lunch buck­et! I start­ed with a joke how I cat­e­go­rize Jor­dan Peterson. Was­n’t Jor­dan Peterson cry­ing be­cause of all the dis­en­fran­chised men that can’t han­dle women and don’t get laid? Was­n’t he talk­ing about en­forced monogamy? It seems like most of JP’s fan…