Use an alias to open Emacs inside the console. We will use the Emacs-Client to connect to a Emacs server for faster startup. References:— emacsclient.html#Invoking— emacsclient [shell] alias em=’emacsclient ‑nw’ [/shell] Remove not needed Docker containers. For example: docker_rm_search Exited [shell] function docker_rm_search() { p=“$1” docker rm ‑f $(docker ps ‑a | grep “$p” | awk “{print \$1}”)…
Category: Tools
Git Aliases and Shortcuts
by erwin • • 0 Comments
This is a list of common git aliases and shortcuts. In my opinion, cryptic aliases like “gp” for git-push or “gc” for git-checkout are very hard to remember. Therefore, I will write longer aliases that are more easily to remember. Since bash or zsh have auto-completion, you can just write “gitco” and then press and let the…