Erwin Müller

Pri­va­cy Policy

Ef­fec­tive date: Au­gust 26, 2018

Er­win Müller (“us”, “we”, or “our”) op­er­ates the https://​www​.mueller​pub​lic​.de/ web­site (the “Ser­vice”).

This page in­forms you of our poli­cies re­gard­ing the col­lec­tion, use, and dis­clo­sure of per­son­al da­ta when you use our Ser­vice and the choic­es you have as­so­ci­at­ed with that da­ta. This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy for Er­win Müller is pow­ered by FreeP​ri​va​cy​Pol​i​cy​.com.

We use your da­ta to pro­vide and im­prove the Ser­vice. By us­ing the Ser­vice, you agree to the col­lec­tion and use of in­for­ma­tion in ac­cor­dance with this pol­i­cy. Un­less oth­er­wise de­fined in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, terms used in this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy have the same mean­ings as in our Terms and Con­di­tions, ac­ces­si­ble from https://​www​.mueller​pub​lic​.de/

In­for­ma­tion Col­lec­tion And Use

We col­lect sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of in­for­ma­tion for var­i­ous pur­pos­es to pro­vide and im­prove our Ser­vice to you.

Types of Da­ta Collected

Per­son­al Data

While us­ing our Ser­vice, we may ask you to pro­vide us with cer­tain per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion that can be used to con­tact or iden­ti­fy you (“Per­son­al Da­ta”). Per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion may in­clude, but is not lim­it­ed to:

  • Email ad­dress
  • First name and last name
  • Cook­ies and Us­age Data

Us­age Data

We may al­so col­lect in­for­ma­tion how the Ser­vice is ac­cessed and used (“Us­age Da­ta”). This Us­age Da­ta may in­clude in­for­ma­tion such as your com­put­er’s In­ter­net Pro­to­col ad­dress (e.g. IP ad­dress), brows­er type, brows­er ver­sion, the pages of our Ser­vice that you vis­it, the time and date of your vis­it, the time spent on those pages, unique de­vice iden­ti­fiers and oth­er di­ag­nos­tic data.

Track­ing & Cook­ies Data

We use cook­ies and sim­i­lar track­ing tech­nolo­gies to track the ac­tiv­i­ty on our Ser­vice and hold cer­tain information.

Cook­ies are files with small amount of da­ta which may in­clude an anony­mous unique iden­ti­fi­er. Cook­ies are sent to your brows­er from a web­site and stored on your de­vice. Track­ing tech­nolo­gies al­so used are bea­cons, tags, and scripts to col­lect and track in­for­ma­tion and to im­prove and an­a­lyze our Service.

You can in­struct your brows­er to refuse all cook­ies or to in­di­cate when a cook­ie is be­ing sent. How­ev­er, if you do not ac­cept cook­ies, you may not be able to use some por­tions of our Service.

Ex­am­ples of Cook­ies we use:

  • Ses­sion Cook­ies. We use Ses­sion Cook­ies to op­er­ate our Service.
  • Pref­er­ence Cook­ies. We use Pref­er­ence Cook­ies to re­mem­ber your pref­er­ences and var­i­ous settings.
  • Se­cu­ri­ty Cook­ies. We use Se­cu­ri­ty Cook­ies for se­cu­ri­ty purposes.

Use of Data

Er­win Müller us­es the col­lect­ed da­ta for var­i­ous purposes:

  • To pro­vide and main­tain the Service
  • To no­ti­fy you about changes to our Service
  • To al­low you to par­tic­i­pate in in­ter­ac­tive fea­tures of our Ser­vice when you choose to do so
  • To pro­vide cus­tomer care and support
  • To pro­vide analy­sis or valu­able in­for­ma­tion so that we can im­prove the Service
  • To mon­i­tor the us­age of the Service
  • To de­tect, pre­vent and ad­dress tech­ni­cal issues

Trans­fer Of Data

Your in­for­ma­tion, in­clud­ing Per­son­al Da­ta, may be trans­ferred to — and main­tained on — com­put­ers lo­cat­ed out­side of your state, province, coun­try or oth­er gov­ern­men­tal ju­ris­dic­tion where the da­ta pro­tec­tion laws may dif­fer than those from your jurisdiction.

If you are lo­cat­ed out­side Ger­many and choose to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion to us, please note that we trans­fer the da­ta, in­clud­ing Per­son­al Da­ta, to Ger­many and process it there.

Your con­sent to this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy fol­lowed by your sub­mis­sion of such in­for­ma­tion rep­re­sents your agree­ment to that transfer.

Er­win Müller will take all steps rea­son­ably nec­es­sary to en­sure that your da­ta is treat­ed se­cure­ly and in ac­cor­dance with this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and no trans­fer of your Per­son­al Da­ta will take place to an or­ga­ni­za­tion or a coun­try un­less there are ad­e­quate con­trols in place in­clud­ing the se­cu­ri­ty of your da­ta and oth­er per­son­al information.

Dis­clo­sure Of Data

Le­gal Requirements

Er­win Müller may dis­close your Per­son­al Da­ta in the good faith be­lief that such ac­tion is nec­es­sary to:

  • To com­ply with a le­gal obligation
  • To pro­tect and de­fend the rights or prop­er­ty of Er­win Müller
  • To pre­vent or in­ves­ti­gate pos­si­ble wrong­do­ing in con­nec­tion with the Service
  • To pro­tect the per­son­al safe­ty of users of the Ser­vice or the public
  • To pro­tect against le­gal liability

Se­cu­ri­ty Of Data

The se­cu­ri­ty of your da­ta is im­por­tant to us, but re­mem­ber that no method of trans­mis­sion over the In­ter­net, or method of elec­tron­ic stor­age is 100% se­cure. While we strive to use com­mer­cial­ly ac­cept­able means to pro­tect your Per­son­al Da­ta, we can­not guar­an­tee its ab­solute security.

Ser­vice Providers

We may em­ploy third par­ty com­pa­nies and in­di­vid­u­als to fa­cil­i­tate our Ser­vice (“Ser­vice Providers”), to pro­vide the Ser­vice on our be­half, to per­form Ser­vice-re­lat­ed ser­vices or to as­sist us in an­a­lyz­ing how our Ser­vice is used.

These third par­ties have ac­cess to your Per­son­al Da­ta on­ly to per­form these tasks on our be­half and are ob­lig­at­ed not to dis­close or use it for any oth­er purpose.


We may use third-par­ty Ser­vice Providers to mon­i­tor and an­a­lyze the use of our Service.

  • Google An­a­lyt­ics
     Google An­a­lyt­ics is a web an­a­lyt­ics ser­vice of­fered by Google that tracks and re­ports web­site traf­fic. Google us­es the da­ta col­lect­ed to track and mon­i­tor the use of our Ser­vice. This da­ta is shared with oth­er Google ser­vices. Google may use the col­lect­ed da­ta to con­tex­tu­al­ize and per­son­al­ize the ads of its own ad­ver­tis­ing net­work.
    You can opt-out of hav­ing made your ac­tiv­i­ty on the Ser­vice avail­able to Google An­a­lyt­ics by in­stalling the Google An­a­lyt­ics opt-out brows­er add-on. The add-on pre­vents the Google An­a­lyt­ics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from shar­ing in­for­ma­tion with Google An­a­lyt­ics about vis­its ac­tiv­i­ty.
    For more in­for­ma­tion on the pri­va­cy prac­tices of Google, please vis­it the Google Pri­va­cy & Terms web page: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​?​h​l​=en

Links To Oth­er Sites

Our Ser­vice may con­tain links to oth­er sites that are not op­er­at­ed by us. If you click on a third par­ty link, you will be di­rect­ed to that third par­ty’s site. We strong­ly ad­vise you to re­view the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy of every site you visit.

We have no con­trol over and as­sume no re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­tent, pri­va­cy poli­cies or prac­tices of any third par­ty sites or services.

Chil­dren’s Privacy

Our Ser­vice does not ad­dress any­one un­der the age of 18 (“Chil­dren”).

We do not know­ing­ly col­lect per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion from any­one un­der the age of 18. If you are a par­ent or guardian and you are aware that your Chil­dren has pro­vid­ed us with Per­son­al Da­ta, please con­tact us. If we be­come aware that we have col­lect­ed Per­son­al Da­ta from chil­dren with­out ver­i­fi­ca­tion of parental con­sent, we take steps to re­move that in­for­ma­tion from our servers.

Changes To This Pri­va­cy Policy

We may up­date our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy from time to time. We will no­ti­fy you of any changes by post­ing the new Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy on this page.

We will let you know via email and/or a promi­nent no­tice on our Ser­vice, pri­or to the change be­com­ing ef­fec­tive and up­date the “ef­fec­tive date” at the top of this Pri­va­cy Policy.

You are ad­vised to re­view this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy pe­ri­od­i­cal­ly for any changes. Changes to this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy are ef­fec­tive when they are post­ed on this page.

Con­tact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, please con­tact us: